May 18, 2023

A photographic exploration of family relationships and an inquiry into connection, history and the fragility of the tie between mother and daughter.

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mnngful curates and features outstading documentary projects by independent photograhers in our newsletter.
The project is a case study of what we value, as a society but also as individuals, and draws a comparison between what we once felt useful to buy or take as it served a purpose but it no longer does.
Chloe Juno
The front yard is as much a metaphor as it is a space. Homes reflect the material successes of their inhabitants, their aesthetic tastes, and concrete the ties that bind family, lovers, and friends. When the shelter-in-place order was announced in March and time came to a proverbial standstill, I turned to my community to make portraits of people in their front yards.
Ashima Yadava
Serhiy Gudak from the city of Uzhorod, Ukraine. The western region of Ukraine is well known for its hospitality. Nice food and people. Today, millions of people are moving to the west from the areas which are bombarded by Russian troops. The road can take 20-40 hours. Most people travel light - only documents, cell phones, and their loved ones. A list of answers to the questions "What can I do to help?" [] Reached Ukrainian friends, checked the sour
Serhiy Gudak
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