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A Rural Lifeline
Joanne Coates is a photographic storyteller from a working-class background.
Based between Yorkshire and Scotland, she depicts everyday stories with a
documentary approach. Apart from this, Coates has also done work in the
commercial sector with clients including the BBC, Vice, Financial Times, The
Guardian, and more.
Coronavirus: A Rural Lifeline in North Yorkshire shows how rural communities,
away from the hub of the big city, managed to cope with isolation when social
distancing became the n
One Hundred Yards From Home
A photographic exploration of family relationships and an inquiry into connection, history and the fragility of the tie between mother and daughter.
Antiques of the Future
The body of work investigates the relationship between collectors and their possessions; exploring how ordinary, commonplace objects become extraordinary through the often-obsessive act of collecting.
Front Yard
The front yard is as much a metaphor as it is a space. Homes reflect the material successes of their inhabitants, their aesthetic tastes, and concrete the ties that bind family, lovers, and friends. When the shelter-in-place order was announced in March and time came to a proverbial standstill, I turned to my community to make portraits of people in their front yards.
The Corona Couch
Nicola Lewis-Dixon is a multidisciplinary artist and photographer whose primary focus is the taboo subjects facing women in their everyday lives. She used the sofa in her family home as an anchor for what would eventually become her hugely prolific project The Corona Couch. When Dixon and her family found themselves locked in as millions of others around the world in March 2020 she thought that this would provide an opportunity like no other to explore family relationships and their intricacies.
Chance Encounters in The Valley of Lights
Chance Encounters in the Valley of Lights tells the story of an unsolved extraterrestrial case from 1980s Todmorden, West Yorkshire. Photographer Rik Moran combines original imagery with never-before-seen archival material to investigate the possible alien abduction of PC Alan Godfrey. In illuminating one of small-town England’s most unlikely protagonists, Chance Encounters unearths another other-worldly mystery along the way.
St Paul's Cathedral — The Central Spot Of All The World
Architecture with religious purposes has quite different functions from
residential or commercial. While the latter is mainly functional and
economic, the former intends to be grandiose. It’s very much part of its
design to make humans feel small, minute and God, or whoever the deity is,
appear grand, larger
Submerged Landscapes
According to the Climate Central app, Thanet, the UK is likely to become an island again within the next decade. In this ongoing project, King documented the affected areas before they are submerged, using the materiality of the sea within the production of the work.
This project documents today’s techno culture in Berlin, and shows how it has been transformed into a mainstream culture that attracts millions of tourists to the city each year.
Tommy Lee Grimmer is a young photographer based in Great Yarmouth, East England,
which is, in fact, the part of the country which is the furthest East. His
project Southtown explores his hometown, the area where he grew up, its physical
environment and community as well as the change of his perspective from a child
to now an adult.
© Tommy Lee Grimmer | SouthtownThe text accompanying Southtown is nostalgic and
evocative of innocent childhood — Kickpost, a game similar to hide and seek,
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