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A Rural Lifeline
Joanne Coates is a photographic storyteller from a working-class background.
Based between Yorkshire and Scotland, she depicts everyday stories with a
documentary approach. Apart from this, Coates has also done work in the
commercial sector with clients including the BBC, Vice, Financial Times, The
Guardian, and more.
Coronavirus: A Rural Lifeline in North Yorkshire shows how rural communities,
away from the hub of the big city, managed to cope with isolation when social
distancing became the n
Branches of a Tree in Winter
Zak Dimitrov moved to London in 2015 and by 2018 he had been on over 100 dates. The man he was going out with at the time, Reggie, turned out to be, as cliche as it sounds, his photographic muse, partially caused by practicalities as he had very little spare time, all of which was spent with Reggie, and he had to take pictures for his final MA project.
Exemplary Home
Exemplary Home is a documentary work exploring the north-western part of rural Bulgaria. It aims to illustrate the effects of rapid urbanisation, progressive globalisation and corruption on the most vulnerable parts of Bulgarian society.
Small Town Inertia
Jim Mortram’s Small Town Inertia is an ongoing project which shines a light on the real life consequences the so-called “A-word” is continuing to have on communities, over a decade since its introduction. It wreaks havoc on the most vulnerable in our society and it targets those who can least afford basic necessities.
Beach Boulevard
Brian O’Neill is an Illinois-based sociologist and photographer whose work looks
at the human condition and society’s relationship to nature. He investigates the
various meanings of “industry” and how it affects local communities and
environments. Beach Boulevard, his first photographic publication, is a small
spiral-bound book in a small edition of 100. Rather than probing the typical
documentary question “what’s going on here” it delves deeper and wonders how we
actually got to our current sta
Missed Care
The referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU was one of the most divisive
moments in modern history — back in 2016 and ever since then, the country felt
more polarised than ever before with a clearly growing sense of “us” and “them”.
People were either unable to or would refuse to see some of the good points that
the other side was making. The Remain side was branded “Project Fear” as they
were providing predictions of what would happen. Some of these didn’t happen,
but others, unfortunately,
A spotlight on the drag queens in the only gay bar in Lithuania. Forcedly hidden from the public eye in the post-Soviet country, these performances seem too deliberately shocking for the part of the society.
After The Fall
After the Fall is a body of work by Stewart Weir documenting the fall of
the Taliban when the city of Herat was taken over by the Northern Alliance.
The images were taken almost 20 years ago, in 2002, shortly after the Twin
Towers in the US fell on September
Constructed Landscapes
Dafna Talmor’s Constructed Landscapes are the end result of many years of frustration caused by her own photographs. The images are taken in different countries, among which are Israel, Venezuela, the UK and the United States, but their initial purpose was nothing more than personal keepsakes. As Talmor accumulated a large archive, she became increasingly conscious that the photographs don’t show much about the places that they depict and they are just that — pictures of places she once visited. She decided to use them as her source material instead of photographs in their own right in order to create something new and this is how her ongoing series was born.
St Paul's Cathedral — The Central Spot Of All The World
Architecture with religious purposes has quite different functions from
residential or commercial. While the latter is mainly functional and
economic, the former intends to be grandiose. It’s very much part of its
design to make humans feel small, minute and God, or whoever the deity is,
appear grand, larger