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Appalachia. Mountaintops to Moonscapes
Appalachia, Virginia is mainly known for two reasons. The first is that
it’s an incredibly resource-rich territory; it supplies two-thirds of the
nation’s coal reserves. Coal is an outdated energy source, which is
damaging to the environment as it’s slowly being phased throughout the
whole world in
English Journey
The book ‘English Journey’ by the Bradford author J. B. Priestley was
published in 1934 it was an account of his travels across England. It’s a
study of contemporary England at the time and its influence had reached far
beyond the literary world. It’s claimed that it has
Fire Corps
The concept (and practice) of voluntary work brings out the best of people.
Volunteers not only don’t get paid, they also give their time, passion and
effort to a cause that they believe is worth fighting for. Johan Brooks
presents us with the story of the Fire Corps — groups
Black Eyed Dog
The author opens up about his own struggles with Black Eyed Dog — A Photographic Healing Process. It was born out of a breakdown, a complete shutdown of his nervous system which made him find himself in a dark, gloomy place, one which he has never visited before.
100 days before conscription
Young Cypriots at months before unavoidable military service. Do they come to celebrate the upcoming life milestone or to protest against forced consription?
The Invisible Wall
Paco Poyato brings us back a few decades to the times when the Berlin Wall divided Berlin and, subsequently, Germany into two parts — East and West.
The Sunshiners. Code Red in Green China
Plastic pollution may seem to be something that doesn’t have a monumental
impact on our daily lives right now, but issues like climate change and
pollution do not take a gradual curve. They do not have to slowly
deteriorate, kindly giving us enough time to notice that something is
End of Olympics
The biggest sports event on the planet turns into a mixture of political and public health disputes, yet not covered enough by the established media
Children of the war from evacuated maternity hospitals
First children of war are born. Maternity hospitals are evacuated to the basements in Kyiv and suburbs because
of Russian Attacks with bombs. Neonatologists, reanimations, baby care sp
Submerged Landscapes
According to the Climate Central app, Thanet, the UK is likely to become an island again within the next decade. In this ongoing project, King documented the affected areas before they are submerged, using the materiality of the sea within the production of the work.