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Hope, Despair and Miracles
Roxana Allison is a Mexican-British photographer whose work has a
predominantly socially-driven focus and explores the themes of belonging,
identity and place. She has extensive experience working with young people
and underrepresented communities spanning over 15 years and strives to
achieve social justice through her photography. Longsight is an inner-city
Children of the war from evacuated maternity hospitals
First children of war are born. Maternity hospitals are evacuated to the basements in Kyiv and suburbs because
of Russian Attacks with bombs. Neonatologists, reanimations, baby care sp
The Invisible Wall
Paco Poyato brings us back a few decades to the times when the Berlin Wall divided Berlin and, subsequently, Germany into two parts — East and West.
Legacy is a response to the impact of the year of City of Culture 2017 in her hometown of Hull, within the city’s spaces and places. The work is a synthesis of careful research done within the various communities and organizations involved that were affected during and after the impact of the year of culture.
Hasankeyf is an ancient town in Southeastern Turkey, located along the Tigris
river in the Batman province. It was established in the 18th century BC and in
1981, almost 3600 years later, it was declared a natural conservation area by
Turkey. In spite of this, it’s been regularly flooded as part of a dam-building
project, regardless of the concerns raised by the local population and the
international community.
Hussain Ali is a British-Iraqi documentary photographer who is interested in
A Wounded Landscape
Six years of traveling over 130 locations across 20 different countries to immortalize the stories of the Holocaust survivors and their ancestors.
The body keeps the score
The Body Keeps the Score takes its mysterious title from a book he found on his mother’s shelf when he was clearing out her house after her death. It refers to how trauma, something most would consider to have purely psychological consequences, can actually be internalised and transpire within the physical body rather than just the mind.
Ebbing Away of Identity with the Tides
Sushavan Nandy, based in Kolkata, focuses on the climate catastrophe, society,
culture and the crises experienced by humankind collectively. He enjoys working
on long-term photographic projects as it allows him to delve deep and explore
issues in depth rather than simply scratch the surface; he has been published by
the Guardian, CNN, New York Magazine, Vogue India, British Journal of
Photography, and many others.
As a young child Nandy experienced the effects of climate change. He lived in
Front Yard
The front yard is as much a metaphor as it is a space. Homes reflect the material successes of their inhabitants, their aesthetic tastes, and concrete the ties that bind family, lovers, and friends. When the shelter-in-place order was announced in March and time came to a proverbial standstill, I turned to my community to make portraits of people in their front yards.
Case 3181
Nieves Mingueza is a Spanish documentary photographer whose work bridges
the gap between the conceptual, personal and political. She often works as
a multimedia artist using images as well as text, collage, video and
installation. In her own words, Mingueza “explores and activates the
archives to address social and gender