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The Steel Plant Mothers
Wilfully ignoring the pleas of the local and national population, the Ilva plant, Europe’s largest steel plant, is portrayed as prioritising profit over people's lives.
Hors-Jeu (Offside)
When we think of homosexuality, the world had made huge leaps in recent
years. Gay marriage is now legal in the US and the UK, protections from
discrimination exist in law, gay people are allowed to adopt children —
events that we have come to accept as normal, as they should
Case 3181
Nieves Mingueza is a Spanish documentary photographer whose work bridges
the gap between the conceptual, personal and political. She often works as
a multimedia artist using images as well as text, collage, video and
installation. In her own words, Mingueza “explores and activates the
archives to address social and gender
Face Death
Zak Dimitrov turns to his home country of Bulgaria where obituaries are displayed everywhere — trees, houses, coffee shops, any random place one can imagine, but more often than not places that were once of significance for the deceased. The starting point for the photographer was the evidently blurred line between private and public. Grief is a very private experience, yet the families choose to display theirs out in the open.
Coastal Mammoth
The 2011 tsunami caused an unprecedented amount of damage, chaos and grief.
Everyone in Japan was affected in one way or another. The Japanese
government soon began to erect a gigantic wall at the cost of billions in
the northeast region of the country after the earthquake that caused the
Black Eyed Dog
The author opens up about his own struggles with Black Eyed Dog — A Photographic Healing Process. It was born out of a breakdown, a complete shutdown of his nervous system which made him find himself in a dark, gloomy place, one which he has never visited before.
Hope, Despair and Miracles
Roxana Allison is a Mexican-British photographer whose work has a
predominantly socially-driven focus and explores the themes of belonging,
identity and place. She has extensive experience working with young people
and underrepresented communities spanning over 15 years and strives to
achieve social justice through her photography. Longsight is an inner-city
After The Fall
After the Fall is a body of work by Stewart Weir documenting the fall of
the Taliban when the city of Herat was taken over by the Northern Alliance.
The images were taken almost 20 years ago, in 2002, shortly after the Twin
Towers in the US fell on September
One Hundred Yards From Home
A photographic exploration of family relationships and an inquiry into connection, history and the fragility of the tie between mother and daughter.
Charcoal of Cyprus
Tradition and family-run work of charcoal miners in Cyprus. We are very likely looking at the craft that is to become a thing of the past very soon.